Layout is a feature that enables you to redesign existing spaces or build new ones from scratch. Fixed spaces such as the Contemporary gallery space and the Private sale space do not have a Layout tab.
The Layout tab enables you to see a 2D floor plan view and a 3D view at the same time.
The camera on the floor plan is represented by the yellow V-shaped arrow.
Use the floor plan section to design your space in 2D and watch everything render in real time from the gallery view on the right.
To adjust the 3D viewpoint, position the cursor in the 3D window and adjust the camera position using the mouse controls as usual. Items can be selected in both windows by right clicking.
There are three modes you can use to create a space in Layout. Floor , Wall and Mark up. mode . Toggle between them using the drop down menu in the upper left corner.
Floor Mode lets you outline the floor area. Right-click to select and then adjust dimensions, texture and more from the Floor data section on the left hand-side.
Wall Mode enables you to add walls. Start by holding down the left mouse button and ‘drawing’ a wall onto the floor plan. Walls will automatically snap onto the grid. Right-click on the wall to adjust its size, height, thickness and colour.
Mark Up Mode contains useful objects such as lights and lighting tracks, as well as floor plan symbols for doors and power sockets. Select one by clicking on the icon, then drop the object/symbol onto the grid by left-clicking on the plan. Hold down and drag to rotate the object. To reposition an object right-click to select then left-click on the blue node and move to the desired location. Left-click to unselect.
Depending on the size of your space, you may want to adjust the Snap size. The Snap size conveys scale and provides a grid for our floor, walls and mark up objects to snap onto. The smaller your snap size the higher level of detail.
We recommend ticking the Snap Axis box when your Snap size is smaller than 50 cm. This is to ensure 90° angle between walls. Turn off when you wish to build a wall at a different angle.
Press and hold the Shift key to select multiple items at the same time by dragging out a ‘capture box’ or clicking on each item.
When you’ve finished with the set up, you may wish to export a floor plan for reference. The Export Plan button will export a .png with the layout, scale information and a position of each artwork included.
Top Tip:
If you set your Snap Size to 1 cm the grid will disappear from the plan giving you the freedom to place your walls, floor and objects anywhere.
When building walls of very specific dimensions (e.g. 853 cm) draw a wall of the approximate size then right click and type the exact length and width into the Floor data box. Press return.