Shooting video and stills

When in Shoot Mode, position the camera with the mouse to line up a shot.

The hold down the right mouse button to move the camera forwards or backwards on the Z axis or use the mouse wheel to creep in or out incrementally. Hold the left mouse button to move the camera up or down or side to side on the X and Y axes . Press and hold the mouse wheel to pan and tilt the camera head

The camera position is marked in the top right corner of the viewfinder. The X (horizontal), Y (forwards-backwards), and Z (vertical) positions. “Yaw” refers to the horizontal angle of the frame while “Pitch” refers to the vertical angle or up/down tilt.

You can edit the camera position directly by clicking on the coordinates typing in desired numbers (E.g. a 90° yaw angle)


Preview uses a Control Point system to determine camera movement.

  • A single control point denotes a static camera.

  • More than one defines a camera path. For each shot the camera will move from the first control point to the last.

  • To set up a moving shot, position the camera. where you would like the shot to begin, then add a control point by pressing the Add Point button in the lower control bar.

  • Now reposition the camera to where you would like the shot to finish and Press the Preview button in the lower right hand corner of the shoot screen to review. You can adjust the speed and duration of the shot by adjusting the time . Shot durations are set to 10 seconds by default. To set up more sophisticated camera arcs, add further control points and move the camera accordingly.

  • Control points automatically subdivide the shot duration equally between positions.

  • Imagine a shot with 3 control points, in which the distance between point 1 and point 2 is larger than that between point 2 and point 3. The camera will move faster to cover the first distance, then slower for the second. This can be useful if you want to emphatically accelerate or decelerate the camera in your shot.

  • All shots default to a 10 second duration. To change the duration of a shot, adjust the Duration slider in the right-hand control panel. Once those are set click Preview (bottom right-hand corner) to preview your shot.

  • This is where you may choose to adjust your shot before moving onto the next one.

  • When you are happy with your shot, create a new one by pressing the plus icon in the shot list.

Top Tip:

When a new shot is created, the camera automatically sets the first control point at your current position. This can be useful if you’re looking to start your next shot at the position you finished the previous one.


Shoot Stills